AusfahrtTV Jan Gleitsmann Hella lamps


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What happens when a 1981 Chevrolet Suburban meets products from HELLA? Car expert Jan Gleitsmann from AusfahrtTV takes the test in his video. His objective was to give the bulky off-road vehicle, which is fitted with various auxiliary headlamps, a more discreet look – of course without having to accept into the bargain any reduction in light output. Will that work? Find out here in the video.

Value Fit TS 1700 and Light Bar LBE 480 in a practical test

Jan Gleitsmann from Bielefeld in Germany is considered THE authority on the German YouTube car scene. Most of you are certainly familiar with his AusfahrtTV – after all, the channel has one of the widest reaches in its segment. In this episode, the off-road fan takes a close look at the Light Bar LBE 480 auxiliary headlamps and the Value Fit TS 1700 work lamps: will the HELLA lamps be able to keep up when directly compared with previous headlamps? To put it in Jan's words: So guys, see for yourselves in the video!

Advantage Reichweite: Die Brennstoffzelle

Fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) achieve higher ranges of around 1,000 kilometers and are also already on the road and in test operation. Examples include the Mercedes-Benz GenH2 (liquid hydrogen), the Hyundai XCient, the Peterbilt 579 EV, and the HyMax 450 from Hyzon based on a DAF chassis. Daimler Trucks is working with Volvo, for example, as part of the Cellcentric fuel cell joint venture, and Paccar with Toyota, to achieve series production readiness.

Ein E-Truck tankt Strom.

Jan Gleitsmann gives the Chevrolet a new look with HELLA lamps. Source: AusfahrtTV

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