mega macs X

The future of vehicle diagnostics has arrived

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Defying convention. Shifting expectations.

The new and highly innovative mega macs X from Hella Gutmann is a revolution in vehicle diagnostics.


It’s the result of a complete rethink of what vehicle technicians really require – now, as well as in the future.


By isolating the core components of the diagnostic device and making each element fully customisable, mega macs X is an innovative solution that offers unparalleled flexibility. It allows independent workshops to keep pace with the continual advances in vehicle technology whilst also safeguarding against the rapid rate of obsolescence that often affects conventional diagnostic tools.

Putting the power in your hands

With no in-built display or keypad, the mega macs X connects wirelessly to your preferred external display and input device, whether a tablet, notebook or PC running Windows, Mac OS, Linux or Android.


A range of software options and accessories ensures the mega macs X provides the optimal diagnostic solution whatever your workshop requirements may be – now and as your needs grow.


Each software module offers varying degrees of functionality, from basic features to advanced capabilities. Simply choose the appropriate software module for your workshop’s current requirements and upgrade easily at any time, so you only pay for what you need.


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Powerful, capable and built to last

Expertly designed and boasting futuristic looks, the mega macs X is both compact and robust, ensuring it can more than meet the demands of busy workshop environments.


However, it’s not all form over function. A built-in bracket at the rear of the device allows the mega macs X to be easily attached to a vehicle window when in use, the OBD plug has an integrated flashlight that makes it quicker and easier to connect the device to the vehicle, inductive charging reduces the number of cables and a green LED bar indicates diagnostic progress.


On the inside, state-of-the-art processing power enables lightning-fast diagnosis and repair, and the very latest communication interfaces, such as CAN FD and DoIP are supported.


Set-up is easy, thanks to a step-by-step wizard or by simply scanning a QR code to initiate the process, and with all diagnostic procedures operated using a separate display and input device of your choice – whether a tablet, notebook or PC – there’s no need to carry a heavy diagnostic tool.