As FORVIA HELLA in Denmark, we enable value creation by providing an application portfolio which is best-in-class in the automotive industry. We employ approximately 90 employees in Scandinavian across two sides.

Facts & Figures

Local Presence


Years of Local Presence



Number of Employees



Number of Locations

Local Presence

The FORVIA HELLA Group has two sites in Denmark. HELLA A/S, Aabenraa primarily focus on the sales and marketing of HELLA and complementary products to B2B customers in the Scandinavian automotive, agricultural, and lighting sectors. HELLA Gutmann Solutions A/S, Viborg offer diagnostic equipment, headlight alignment tools, CSC-Tool, data solutions, and digital tools for executing service schedules for the automotive industry.

At Hella Gutmann Solutions,Viborg we specialize in these products, and our wide range ensures a tailored solution for your workshop. We have sales offices in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland, from where we service workshops across the entire Scandinavian region.

HELLA Denmark
Locations & Contact



As a global development partner in the automotive industry, we offer our well-known customers technologically innovative solutions and for you the perfect career start.

Your career with us means growing in a vibrant and diverse culture of trust and belonging. At FORVIA HELLA DK we love courage and fresh ideas in teams who dare and care.

Would you like to shape the future of mobility together with us? Then become part of FORVIA HELLA DK and find out more.​

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